Thursday, July 11, 2013

~*Aha Moments!*~

Chapter One 

  • The dimensions of wellness are physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, spiritual, and environmental.

  • Stages of changes: Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, and Termination.

  • Specific Plan for Change: 1) monitoring behavior by keeping a journal 2) Analyzing data 3) setting specific goals 4) devising strategies for modifying the environment, rewarding yourself 5) make a personal contract.

Chapter Two

  • Personality- the sum of the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional tendencies-clearly affects how people perceive and react to stressors. Type A) Ultra competitive, controlling, impatient, aggressive and hostile. Type B) relaxed and contemplative. Type C) anger, suppression, difficulty expressing emotions, feelings, and exaggerated response to minor stressors.
  • The most important starting point for successful stress-management plan is to learn  to listen to your body.
  • Personal Plan for Managing stress: Identifying stressors, designing your plan, and getting help. 
Chapter Three
  • Psychological health cannot be judge from the way people look. Many people who seem Ok or happy suddendly takes his/her own life.
  • If someone you are with becomes very angry, respond "asymmetrically" by reacting not with anger but with calm.
  • The 15 million Americans with social phobic fear humiliation or embarrassment while being observe by others. Fear of speaking in public is the most common phobia. 
Chapter Seven
  •  Teens are more likely to try drugs if they have poor self-image or self-control, use tabacco or suffer from certain mental or emotional problems. 
  • Eating habits can be addictive. 
  • Inhalants can lead to loss of consciousness, heart failure, or dead.
Chapter Eight
  •  Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is the amount of alcohol in a person's blood, expressed as the percentage of alcohol measured in a deciliter of blood. Individual Factors: Body Weight, Percent Body Fat, and Sex.
  • Binge drinking is having five or more drinks within about two hours (typically four drinks for men and three drinks for women)
  • Nicotine addiction can start within a few days of smoking and just a few cigarettes.
Chapter Nine
  • USDA's My pyramid, we must consume: *Grains*Vegetables*Fruits*Milk*Meat and Beans
  • Any organic food is a great healthy choice.
  • Read the food labels more often.
 Chapter Ten
  • The FITT principles for the health-related components of fitness: Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type.
  • R-I-C-E treatment for minor muscle and join injuries. Rest: stop using the injured area as soon you feel the pain. Ice: apply ice to the injured area.Compression: wrap the injure with an compression bandage. Elevation: Raise the injured area above heart level to decrease swelling.
  • Exercise is the key for overall wellness.
Chapter Eleven
  • The key to keep a healthy ratio of fat to fat free mass is maintaining an energy balance.
  • Obesity doubles mortality rates and it can reduce life expectancy by 10-20 years.
  • For weight management, it is better to consume the majority of calories during the day rather than the evening or night.   
Chapter Sixteen
  • Motor Vehicle Injuries- more than 43,000 Americans were killed and about 25 million injured. Worldwide 1.2 million killed and 50 million injured. This leads motor vehicle to be the 11th leading cause of death.
  • Avoid using your Real name on the internet or share any personal information.
  • Trust your feelings. If you feel you are in danger do not hesitate to run and scream. It is better to feel foolish than to be raped.

 Insel and Roth. Core Concepts in Health, Brief 12th edition. Palomar Customized version.


  1. This really goes into depth. Are you studying psychology?? Looks like it. I've learned something new today.

  2. yes I am. Thanks! I am glad that you learned something new :)
